Using Podcasts in the sense of Audio material in archive centers

  • Maryam Pakdaman Naeeni, archivist of iranian red crescent, Iran
  • Shima Moradi, Azad Tehran University, Iran
  • Amir Asnafi, Shahid Chamran Ahvaz University, Iran
  • Defining dark aspects of nations' history, Oral history is a way to document oral and verbal resources. Speeches, interviews, conversations, citations, stories and etc. can be mentioned as oral history of every and each country and archive centers are to record and preserve such precious resources. Historians, sociologist, journalist, and other history related researchers acquire their needs out of the information derived from either interviews or special speeches. In terms of information, services and delivering them to the next generation, The Oral history should organize information according to policies.
    As an information media, Internet is determined to provide users with their informational and educational needs. Podcasting (also called audio-weblogs) is one of those new products offered by Web 2.0 developing increasingly regarding to disseminate information. This article looks forward to indicate podcast's capacities according to introduce it as a new electronic materials in archive centers. Besides, the ways from which podcasts can be managed in respect to selecting, preserving, organizing and disseminating are going to be discussed. Moreover, having oral history to be preserved, podcasting preferences in audio archives are going to be study, afterward. Audio material archivists faced with many apprehensions during preserving, organizing and disseminating audio materials, May the idea derived from this paper can be a solution regarding to those concerns and podcasts can contribute a fruitful role in Audio achieves.

    Podcast – audio archives – Oral history - archive centers